- Infinity also carry out service, designs and implementation for Turnkey site builds, Indoor Building solutions and Co-Location solutions. This includes full design, supply and installation of all the components and equipment to deliver a complete solution
- Structural analysis in collaboration with locally registered partner, as well as an international partner – Delmec, to provide world class results and peace of mind. The service covers site assessments, comprehensive analysis, reporting and corrections i.e. 1)existing status is established, 2) potential for additional loading identified, 3) design, manufacture and installation of necessary strengthening to guarantee performance
- Audits: Assessment of equipment and structures to determine necessary actions to change, upgrade and improve existing infrastructure.
- Refurbishment/repairs: Repairs and corrective actions to restore services and equipment on a planned or call-out basis.
- Rehabilitation services: Upgrading of existing facilities
Designed, Manufactured, Installed & Supplied as a RAPID DEPLOYMENT SITE – RDS
( Fast Site Solution )
- Infinity E.A endeavored to provide Telecommunication Infrastructure Solutions, whenever there is a problem or increase in demand
- Many Telecommunication infrastructure End users have complained of low progress in building permanent BTS Sites, which do not meet the set deadlines for them to be on air
- Following this complaints, Infinity E.A has came up with a solution by designing the RAPID DEPLOYMENT SITE that enable Operators to earn from a Temporary Site, while the Main Site is under construction, has a problem with aquisition issue or is delayed by other requirements from Telecom regulators
- On completion of the main permanent Site, ALL the installed equipment is transfered from the RDS to the main Site/Tower within the short time.

- Cable route and Site detail Survey (Includes Civil Works and Cable Works drws)
- Survey Design and As-Built drawings (Includes As-Built Civil Works and Cable drws)
Civil Works:
Includes all the necessary work for laying down the cables, such as trenching, MH construction, hand hole installation, Thurst Boring – road and railway crossing, bridge crossing, river and dam crossing, reinstatement works, laying of warning tape, laying of ducts and sub-ducts, installation of marker posts etc …
Cable Works:
– OTDR End to End Test of cable OF cable on drum test
– Blowing, floating or pulling of Optical Fibre cable in ducts
– Splicing of OFC (Fiber to Fiber)
– Termination of OFC (Fiber to Pigtail)
– Fitting of Splicing Closures
– Installation of ODF / Racks
– Installation of patch panels at ODF
– OTDR End to End Test (ODF to ODF) and
Joint Test during splicing (A-B/B-A)
Maintenance (Metro and Rural)
– Reactive
– Preventative

- Suppliers of in house solutions and Agents for top international products for rapid deployment of networks and co-location solutions. Re-deployments, maintenance and support of these products.

Design & supply of products
- Design of custom and standard towers
- Structures for telecom and other infrastructure industries.
- Rapid deployment solutions

- MANUFACTURING (based on our designs & manufacturing partners in China and India) & supply of galvanized towers & pylons
- self support towers up to 100m
- Guyed towers, 4-legs or triangular for various terrains – sizes vary from 4m to 150m
- Supply of galvanized components, structures, brackets etc.
- Supply of Rapid Deployment Solutions
- Supply of rapid deployment/quick sites, COWS and special sites
- Supply of shelters
- Supply of Power and energy saving solutions & Generators at excellent prices
- Supply of Telecommunications products, generators and other components
- NMS solutions- supply, installation and support